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Social Media Quizzes

Why It is important to Participate In Social Media Quizzes

A quiz is a form of feedback from your audiences. In any business, let’s say, it tells where it is at its best, and where it requires focus. Social media quizzes are of course important. Social media quiz is another form of social media marketing. According to research, no marketing is complete without a social media quiz. It lets you know what the followers prefer, their likes, dislikes, and the changing needs want, and the demands of their audiences. To get an exact and targeted audience, buy real Instagram followers from a trusted source. People enjoy taking social media quizzes. It's a unique, quick, and easy way of revealing new information. Answering a question, or selecting a certain option in a quiz does no harm or does not affect others in any way. Others understand that it’s your choice and your decision. It’s a mature way of telling me what you want, your likes, dislikes, etc. Audiences but also marketers do not only like quizzes because there is no rocket science in creating a quiz. It is easy to form and it takes very little time in creating a quiz. Quizzes can provide you with a lot of information about your business, your company’s progress according to the audiences, and it’s a way of letting companies know what their audiences think of them. It is an effective way of gathering feedback. How to create a social media quiz  Create a goal: You should be clear with your goals and objectives. What do you want to achieve? Why are you creating a quiz? You should have one strong reason. You should know that whether you want to introduce your product to the audience or you want more followers or customers via the quiz. Know the needs of the customers: Know what your target market wants from you. Creating a quiz regarding the likes, dislikes of your audiences is a great way of communicating with your audience. Your audience might feel delighted to know that you are addressing their needs, wants, and desires. Social media marketing is all about providing value to your customer. The best way of providing value to a customer is to address their needs. Design the Quiz: In order to have an appealing, successful, and attractive social media quiz. Your quiz needs to have a fun factor to attract large audiences. Address your audiences through your quizzes. The audience loves it when they are being addressed and they think that the brand cares for them. The quiz should be simple, easy, and understandable. Moreover, you can add images to your quiz to attract large audiences. Share the Quiz: After you are done with the rest of the steps, all you have to do next is to publish your quiz to your website, page, blog, or you can publish it on your social media profiles including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. After that, have a look at the results. Evaluate the results. Know where you are having progress and what parts need your attention. Hence, social media quizzes are important to take. It can be very beneficial for a company as it lets them know about their drawbacks. Read Also : 5 Unusual Social Media Tips That No One Will You About This Is Why Social Media Is Essential In The B2B Sales Process How Social Media Can Boost Up The E-Commerce Industry


Steps For Improving Your Instagram Strategy

Successful execution of a plan sometimes requires updates and improvements in Instagram Strategy. If you are unable to gain the expected outcome from your Instagram account, you must consider changing your strategies. You might have some brilliant ideas, but you may fail to achieve your targeted goal. In this case, reassess your basic strategies and implement new ones to get the desired benefits. Keep in mind that steps that help you get new likes and followers will always have an impact on your overall Instagram marketing strategy. For this, you can buy cheap Instagram likes from many online companies. Just be sure to practice some care when you go down this alley because not all sites are going to offer valuable and credible followers and likes. If after buying likes you still find yourself in trouble, it is time to check your strategy. Here are five basic steps that will help you in evaluating and improving your strategies. Evaluate Your KPIs: Instagram has a lot to offer, and you can easily lose track of your basic objectives while focusing on engagement, followers, reach, and content. You must reevaluate that either your strategies are by your basic objectives of the account or they are deviating from its core purpose. Evaluating your KPIs after short intervals lets you know how slowly or rapidly you are progressing towards your milestones. It’s always better to focus on one or two goals at a time so that you can concentrate well and drive all your energy on one side. It will also help you to stay on track without losing your attention. Your clear goals, actionable tactics, and measurable performance metrics are core elements of a good Instagram strategy. If your targeted goal for the month is to drive traffic on your Instagram account then your main focus should be on maximizing your reach. You must implement strategies for your posts to be viewed by a maximum number of Instagram users. Closely observe metrics such as likes, follows, and profile visits. By having such clear goals and focused strategies, you can easily attain your short-term goals and long-term objectives. Develop a distinct Visual Style: Your Instagram posts are the virtual presentation of your personality and business. The quality of the content of your posts depicts your abilities and strengths so if you want to make your Instagram account stand out from the rest of the Instagram profiles then you must develop a unique visual style. People will recognize you on Instagram with your distinct style of posting and can easily differentiate your content from your unique style. For effective visual presentation, you must be well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of your brand, and you must have sound knowledge of the latest trends of your industry. This will help you in designing strategies that will make your brand distinctive. Here are some other important things to keep in mind when evaluating your Instagram strategy: You must develop a clear understanding of the preferences of your targeted audience so that you can strategize your posting frequency and upload content accordingly. If you are clueless about what will appeal to your audience, you can always go for trial and error to the device the most successful strategies. The preferences of your audience may change after some time as the industry is growing at a rapid pace so you must keep on updating your strategies with the passage of time. For making your posts visually attractive you can take help from various editing and designing tools available online. Designing tools like Unfold, Easily, and Canva provides you with multiple features to boost the outlook of your images or photographs. Preset templates are also available that will assist you in making your every post different from the other. You can add a personalized element in these templates to make your posts unique and distinctive from other Instagram posts. The content of your Instagram stories is quite important as it stays there for only 24 hours. To make your stories extraordinary, you can take assistance from apps like Factory and Quik. They will help you in inspiring your audience. Read Also: Is Public Utilities A Good Career Path? – Top Utility Jobs Is Energy A Good Career Path? – A Detailed Guide

B2B Sales Process

This Is Why Social Media Is Essential in the B2B Sales Process

Social media has been the cornerstone of B2C marketing for a long time. However, when it comes to B2B marketing and sales, it is only fairly recently that social media channels have started to dominate. And while most B2B marketers now realize the enormous potential of this type of marketing, only true experts have figured out that simple presence on social media is far from enough. To raise awareness of your business, you need to be social on social media, which is, after all, very logical. In other words, you need to initiate relationships, interact with people in a personal way and absorb your customer’s feedback. But apart from this, you also have to showcase your expertise in a humble way, listen to the voices and trends in your industry and keep an eye on competitors. Marketing your business on social media can help you generate leads, improve website traffic, increase sales and create a brand identity with your target audience. That being said, the sooner you realize that investing time and money in social media is necessary, the better results you will get. However, this type of marketing, just like any other, takes time and skills. Let this article be the first step on your journey to improving your B2B social media marketing. In it, you will find out the reasons why social media is essential for B2B sales and the tips on how to improve your sales through social media channels. Why is social media so important? Have you heard of social validation? Social validation is a basic human necessity and its presence has but skyrocketed thanks to social media. According to the Content Marketing Institute’s report from 2017, as much as 83% of B2B marketers use social media as their preferred marketing channel. And even though increased brand awareness is one of the main goals of social media campaigns, it is far from being the only impact of this type of marketing. As the matter of fact, social media is right at the top when it comes to the factors making the biggest impact on purchasing decisions, closely following industry analysts and web search. Therefore, it is obvious that social media is essential for B2B sales. If you want to increase your B2B sales, you need to use the following social media platforms: Facebook Without a shadow of a doubt, Facebook is the number one platform. It is important for creating a community, marketing, and advertising, as well as influencing decision makers. LinkedIn As a platform originally intended for business purposes, LinkedIn is as influential as Facebook in some segments. Twitter Twitter is the final element of the social media triad, but slightly less important than Facebook and LinkedIn. You may be wondering why Instagram and Snapchat are not on this list. And indeed, these two platforms, especially Instagram, are great for marketing. However, they are more effective for B2C marketers. Benefits of social media marketing for B2B sales To give you a clear picture of how social media can increase B2B sales, we will list some of the main benefits of social media marketing. -        Firstly, it builds brand awareness and visibility. -        It serves as an effective distribution channel for your business’ ideas, content and offers. -        You can create PR opportunities, brand loyalty, SEO, as well as positive web mentions by building brand advocates. -        Social media marketing drives new leads into the funnel when combined with whitepapers, fact sheets, eBooks and other content offers. -        Have you tried to use social media to increase the number of email subscribers? If you want to add more people to your mailing list, this will do wonders for your business. -        Moreover, this type of marketing is great for B2B customer feedback program and understanding the needs of your leads, customers, prospects, and advocates. -        Social media marketing can greatly improve your SEO results through third-party links, mentions, and interest in your content. -        You can build trust with your buyers by educating them and helping them understand the major factors that influence their purchasing decisions. -      Social media is perfect for B2B loyalty rewards programs and customer care. Challenges of B2B social media marketing There are always two sides of a coin. In spite of the numerous benefits of B2B social marketing, there are also certain challenges that B2B marketers face on a daily basis when it comes to social media. When in Rome… If consumers use social media for connection and entertainment, your message needs to address these requirements. In other words, you shouldn’t slip into business jargon on Facebook or post silly memes on LinkedIn. Apart from that, you should try to establish a deeper connection with your customers by finding out what they read, what they comment on and who they follow. This will help you better understand your prospects and existing customers, and tell them what they want to hear and how they want to hear it. Being present 24/7 When your audience needs guidance or asks a question, you should be there for them. It is all about responding when they reach out for help. The challenge here is to anticipate such moments and be ready to shine. Create a list of tips, reviews, product demonstrations, and video tutorials, and promote them through paid search and social advertising. For this and similar reasons, you should constantly use social media for real-time marketing, an increasingly popular method which allows you to engage with your customers instantly. Cherishing your influencers Finding your perfect influencer and starting a conversation with them is one of the keys to a successful social media campaign. To choose the right influencer for your brand, you need to study their audience, understand why they engage, what is their reach, style, and many additional aspects. Getting serious about selling on social media Once you have put in a lot of effort toward entertainment and connection, you need to sell. After all, that is the main goal of each business. To grow your website traffic and nurture leads, you need to match your marketing efforts and sales goals. When you engage with the knowledgeable, empowered and well-connected customers, you practically close the gap between the social world and the business world. The elusive ROI Oh, the infamous ROI… This is definitely among the top challenges for all marketers, not only in the B2B field. To get a satisfactory return on investment, you always need to give your customers new and fresh content on social media, as well as attend to their needs and join conversations with influencers. Then, when everybody starts listening to what you have to say, seize the moment and make the final move. It is all about timing. With the right timing, you can sell everything, even ice to Eskimos. The future of B2B sales Everybody is wondering what the future of B2B sales will look like. So far, we can identify three main trends. The buying process will become easier In essence, a more open approach to purchasing is obviously emerging, as well as a multi-channel unified experience closely resembling the B2C experience. Moreover, along with those two, the need for highly personalized interactions will result in increasing buyer trust and lead to more data becoming available. The focus will shift to long-term customer value Businesses will have to focus on customer needs and customize their selling approaches, Also, adding value to products and services will be an indispensable part of every sales process. In addition, selling will become more intelligent. In other words, sales teams will need to educate customers about their needs and engage with stakeholders and decision makers to discover and highlight those needs. Data and analytics will play a major role in creating customer value The days of guessing in sales have long gone. To create value for customers and interact with them effectively, social media marketers will have to use data and analytics through: -        science and sales -        AI and the virtual experience -        sales and the social business In many of these strategies, social media will play an important role. From the multi-channel approach and market intelligence to education and connection, B2B sales will be impossible without social media platforms. Finally, from a technical point of view, it is evident that outsourcing social media is becoming increasingly popular. This is a strategy that can be very effective, especially for small businesses. However, if you decide to do this, we advise you to be careful and avoid the most common social media outsourcing mistakes. How to Sell More on Social Media Now that you have learned why social media is so important for the B2B sales process, you probably want to know how to use social media to increase sales. Here are the five useful tips on how to sell more and better on social media. Choose the right social network(s) Not all the platforms will work for all businesses. When choosing the best social media channels for your business, you need to consider several factors: -        your niche -        your audience -        your goals For example, according to a study by Google and Millward Brown Digital published in 2015, the number of decision makers aged between 18 and 34 years increased by 19% in only two years (from 27% in 2012 to 46% in 2014). This is why you need to find out the favorite platform of your customers and tailor your message to them, the network and your brand. Remember – no business jargon on Facebook or crazy memes on LinkedIn. Be active on LinkedIn Whatever other networks you choose, keep in mind that LinkedIn is a must. When it comes to B2B marketing, this platform is essential and you can’t risk not using it. To shine on LinkedIn, you will have to be very active. This means that you should: -        use LinkedIn’s Saved Search feature in order to create a search based on your ideal customer profile and be notified each time such a person signs up -        join and participate in LinkedIn groups to build your network and referrals -        connect with potential customers to start conversations Contribute to existing conversations This goes for all the social media networks you are active on. When you contribute to conversations about your brand and interesting topics in your industry, customers see this as adding value. The best way to do this is Twitter and its search function, but you can use other networks too. Share relevant content More and more B2B buyers search for information on services and products on social media. Your answer to this should be simple ‒ sharing relevant content. This is another way to add value, and you can do it by providing white papers, product sheets, case studies, webinars, comparison worksheets and so on. In addition, you can share useful blog posts, infographics, tutorials and other types of content. In a nutshell, you can share anything that you think could help your customers. Use the right tools Finally, using social media for marketing purposes without different kinds of tools is practically impossible. There are so many aspects software tools can improve and so many ways they can help you rock your campaigns that not using them is a real waste of time. Using effective social media marketing tools will help you find more relevant content, schedule your posts, measure and analyze the effectiveness of your campaigns, as well as use that data to improve your future campaigns. Wrapping up : Social media networks are becoming an essential part of every B2B sales process. However, in order to sell more on social media, you need to understand all the benefits and challenges of this process. This is definitely not a one-time activity. Rather, think of it as of a long journey that includes a lot of small steps. It’s a long way to the top if you want to rock your B2B social media campaigns. But if you take all the steps that we listed, you will find that the results will follow. This is one of those journeys that you have to enjoy if you want to reach your destination. Read Also :  Social Media Marketing: Six Trends To Keep Your Eyes On Social Media Marketing Role In Technology


How Social Media Can Boost Up The E-commerce Industry

Innovation is essential to attain success in any field. It becomes all the more important in the business sector. Trade and E-commerce are always evolving and is hardly ever stagnant. Over time, there has been a massive change in the mentality of customers. Thus, it is necessary for business owners to keep up with these changes and alter their marketing strategies accordingly. Failure to do so will result in losses in business. If you are catering to millennials and Gen Y, then you have to understand their psychology. You have to think and perceive things like them. The new generation is dependent on technology and electronic gadgets. They hardly get time to go through day’s newspaper. So, if you limit your advertising strategies to traditional media, then you will fail to make a mark on the minds of new-age buyers. Invest time and effort to understand their mentality. It will offer valuable insight that will come in handy to revamp marketing strategies, with the help of social media. Source Keep an eye on customer behavior : Charting the behaviors of the customers on your site is a must if you desire to target the new-age clients correctly. If you can influence these people positively, then your advertisement techniques will be successful. Specialized software and digital tools are available, which help online business owners to watch and monitor client behaviors. Not all clients will offer feedback or take part in online surveys, which help traders to finalize their marketing strategies. If you can monitor the online behavior and activities of a prospective client, you will be able to understand his/her needs. Depending on the analysis of this data, you will be able to chalk out the perfect advertisement strategy on social media. Source Using online influencers : Their idols greatly influence youngsters. Whether it is pursuing their aspirations or taking pointers for the latest fashion trends, millennials depend heavily on the virtual world. It is here that online influencers play a massive role in manipulating a person’s purchase decisions. Youngsters have a particular liking towards action stars. If you come across a picture of Vin Diesel, sporting lotto shoes, then you will try to copy the same look. Thus, your search for the perfect lotto shoes online will commence. Such individuals, who have imminence following on the social media, can later customer behaviors easily. Business houses, big or small, have recognized the importance of social media influencers. Thus, companies are approaching these individuals to promote the products to the target clients. Special offers on social media platforms : If you think that social media is only useful as a marketing platform, it is about time you shun that notion forever. This platform will also assist a business owner in increasing his/her sale of products. Yes! By now, you must have understood that social media platforms are millennials’ and Gen Y’s playground. Thus, the best way to attract their eyes and compel them to make a purchase is by announcing special offers or new launches, which will feature exclusively on social media. As these individuals are always hooked on their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or MySpace accounts, advertising or offering exclusive discounts on these channels will ensure that your target customers don’t miss out on the opportunity. New-age buyers are always looking for a good deal on quality products. If you offer the best goods and services, at exclusive discounts, there will be an immediate rise in your overall sale. Sending the word out to millions, with the touch of a button, would not have been possible without access to social media platforms. Source Create exciting and visually appealing contents : Creating and posting content, on social media are mandatory for any business operator. Online marketing has surpassed traditional shopping. More and more people, especially millennials and Gen Y depend heavily on online shopping because it is convenient and saves time. If you desire to stay in the limelight for all the right reasons, then publishing interesting content about the company and the brand is a must. But dry words alone will no longer make the cut. You need to spice things up with visual stimulators. Graphs, infographics and related images will not only enhance presentation but will also add value to your content. Presence of infographics offers the information in a summarized format. Source Social media will strengthen the communication bridge between the sellers and the buyer. The producers can inform clients about the launch of a new product or the positive aspects of existing goods, while customers will be able to send their feedback to the manufacturers. The business owner has to pay heed to these feedbacks and make changes accordingly. If now, then clients will switch over to another company in no time. If you continue to lose customers, it will harm the goodwill and status of the company in the business arena. Read Also : How To Boost Traffic To Your Small Business 5 Steps On How To Market Your Business Using Social Media 5 Affordable E-Commerce Shopping Carts For Small Business

Instagram Marketing

Best 5 Instagram Marketing Tools You Should Be Using

No one would like to be left behind and it is undoubted that business has to be on social media. You may be off Twitter and Facebook but are you on Instagram? Instagram is not for photographers and teens only because it has Instagram marketing tools that will help your business grow. There is so much going around on Instagram and you do not want to waste time learning this platform. Use this write-up to learn more about its tools. 5 Instagram Marketing Tools : 1. Social insight : Social insight is among Instagram marketing tools which run a deep analysis of the account. It is easy to follow the engagement, interactions, and growth of the account. The main feature helps you estimate the required posting time and gain data on followers. You can also see info on average engagement. Additionally, this is more than a business account as this feature allows you to connect with others and compare their analytics. This is a promising tool that business owners use. 2. Repost : Repost is one of the most essential Instagram tools for sharing user-generated content. When you do this, you show customers that you are appreciating them and their opinion. This tool is easy to use because you just need to click and share content while acknowledging the creator. This tool enables you to bookmark videos and photos you would like to report. It becomes possible to find photos by typing the username or hashtag and reposting by one button. This tool contributes to strengthening business relations with clients. 3. Instagram business blog : Of late, Instagram has announced the launching of the business blog. This tool will be used as a resource for business so as to contribute to other companies’ success. According to Gramlike, you need to visit the blog to get the required info on the offers of this tool. You need to keep updated with news from the company and learn the way this tool is effectively used. Also, try finding out what other accounts of businesses are doing. Statistics of Instagram marketing show that forty-eight percent of brands have accounts and this includes almost all top one hundred brands. This indicates that Instagram competition is fierce and you need all the Instagram marketing tools to be on top. Nobody knows Instagram better than Instagram. 4. Boomerang : Boomerang is yet another tool for video creation that appeals to the audience. Possessing a strategy that develops involves engaging the audience in the best way. You have to speak their language. According to liquid creativity, videos of the boomerang are a crucial section of the language. You can use it for purposes of filming videos on one second. The nice thing is that you do not need so much time as there is no need of audio. There is no need of working on dialogues. Capture the best moments behind scenes and make interesting videos about the product. A second can always be the difference. 5. Later : A free plan is available. It provides thirty posts per month, one user, and one social profile. This is one of the Instagram marketing tools called the Linkin bio that makes it easy to shop Instagram feed. The Linkin bio is a landing page resembling Instagram feed and displays posts as clickable images. It is possible to access videos, photos, and accounts in later and have several media libraries; therefore, you do not have to share videos and photos with team members and Instagram accounts. It becomes possible to manage several accounts in the business plans. You can just have managers in teams to approve content and contributors and team members submitting media. Conclusion : It is fortunate to note that Instagram has edited its stance when it comes to Instagram marketing tools when it comes to scheduling. You will realize that these tools supporting scheduling also support direct Instagram publishing, and others help in boosting presence on social media. Read Also : 5 Marketing Tips To Help Grow Your Business On Instagram Getting Familiar With The Types Of Instagram Contests Why Every Business Needs Digital Marketing

Personal History

How To Check Someone Out Online: 5 Tips On Finding Out Someone’s Personal History

Online or app dating has become the cultural norm, but is it safe? Currently, 20% of internet-using adults use online dating. For your safety, you need to do online research on the people you intend to meet. Start by confirming the information they have given you. Then look for information they haven't told you. Knowing how to check someone out online will help you know the truth. Use our tips on how to run a background check to stay safe during online dating. 1. Google The best place to start when looking into someone is to put their name into Google. With some basic information, you will build a good idea of who the person is. Start with the person's name and location. From there you can find out their online presence. If you know their email address or phone number search for those too. This will bring up any place where this information appears. When you search their full name, put it in quotes like this "Full Name". This will limit your searches to where their first and last name appear next to each other. Try adding qualifiers after their name. These could include the girlfriend/boyfriend, divorce, debt, arrest, school, or university. Caution The internet is a lawless place. Anyone can create and spread misinformation. Take everything you learn with a grain of salt. If you find information that isn't favorable, do further research. Once you verify the negative information then you can believe it. You also need to confirm that the person you find is actually the person you are talking to. Many people have the same name and maybe at the same age. 2. Social Media Most people have chosen to put their social media profiles on private, but it doesn't hurt to check. Go through the major sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Facebook lets you search for people by name, location, or even group. A group could be the high school they graduated from or a company they work for. Look at who their friend list consists of. Is it a normal mix of family and friends? It is a red flag if their entire friend list is one gender. Look at how long the profile has been around. The longer the profile has been around the more likely it is a legitimate profile. How often are they posting and who is reacting to their posts? This will give you an idea of their social media use and who they are interacting with. Caution Remember that they may have certain parts of their profile hidden. Facebook allows you to customize your privacy. So while you may not see their friends or activity, it doesn't mean it isn't there. LinkedIn This social media account is a great way to verify the information. People generally do not lie on LinkedIn since it is a professional networking site. Since this is where employers are going, you are more likely to get accurate information. LinkedIn profiles can be the best option for a dbs check. 3. Reverse Image Search Doing a reverse image search is a great way to confirm that the person in the picture is who they claim to be. If you search an image and it comes up with someone else's profile, you have a problem. You may find other social media profiles that belong to your person that use the same picture. You could find a second social media account separate from the one they use with friends and family. You can also try other pictures that are not their profile pictures. Try a picture that has other people in the picture. This may lead you to other people who know the person you are looking for. How To When you find their social media profile, save a copy of their profile photo to your desktop. Then head over to Click on "upload an image" and select the picture you saved. Google will then return a search result of where that image appears online. It will also show you visually similar images. 4. County Criminal Records Search Doing a criminal records search is about safety. Keep in mind the level of crime and how recently they occurred. Criminal records are public information. The laws vary on how to access the information though. You can start by googling the person's name with "arrest record" or "criminal records." A minor misdemeanor or DUI ten years ago may not be a big deal. Three felonies last year could point to a bigger issue. Hire a Pro Sometimes searching for free isn't enough. That's when you need to hire a professional. They have the experience to know where to look to give you a complete criminal picture. Everything including convictions, witness records, domestic violence records, DUI, and traffic violations. You may find their record in one county or ordinance. A professional is going to find their records from everywhere. 5. There Is Nothing Online What if you've done a search and there is nothing online. This is a huge red flag. In today's digital world everyone has at least one thing online. If you find nothing, there is the possibility that they are making up their identity. You need to decide if you want to confront the person or stop contact. It is possible that they don't have an online presence. Ask for proof with a driver's license, passport, or birth certificate. How to Check Someone Knowing how to check someone online is vital in today's digital world. This is the first step in confirming the person is honest about who they are. The first step when you want to run a background check is to start with Google. Take the information you do know and run a search. Then search social media accounts. This will give you a good idea of who they are, their friends, and lifestyle. You'll then need to know how to run a criminal background check. You can do this by searching the records yourself or hire a professional. Have you looked yourself up online? Find out how to stay safe when taking your selfies. Read Also : 6 Important Questions To Ask A Personal Injury Lawyer


Getting Familiar With The Types Of Instagram Contests

Using Instagram for branding and advertising is a great idea because you can gain access to millions of users. You just need to know how to grab their attention, and it will all fall into place. One way to grab their attention is to buy Instagram likes and followers, but you will still have to invest time in keeping your Instagram page up-to-date to attract new followers. Interestingly, you can try some ways to engage your followers, and one interesting idea is to start a contest. A contest works great because it keeps people on their toes. It keeps them interested in what you have to offer. They may be willing to check your page frequently to learn more about the contest and the prizes you may be offering. While it is true that contests help you engage your followers, the success also depends heavily on the type of content you select. Here is a bit more about the types you can choose. Instagram Contests You can try to be creative here, but in most cases, you can improve engagement by trying four types of Instagram contents. 1. Like AndWin Contest : Contests are a great source of attracting the audience to your Instagram account and boosting your popularity. People are often interested in contests and usually try their luck for a chance to win. The probability of participation by the users' increases if the contest is simple with easy to follow the rules. One such contest is alike and wins the contest. People only have to like your post, follow your Instagram account and comment under your post to confirm their participation. Use all the possible hashtags that are relevant to the theme to attract the maximum audience to your post. Hashtags like #contest and #giveaway should be included. A high-resolution graphics image with attractive prize offer will increase the chances of success of your contest. Users often get more motivated to participate when the giveaways are unique and worthy. The announcement of the winner name loud and clear give an incentive to people to participate in the next contest. A regular series of the contest is more effective than just a one or two random contests. The greater number of contests give a chance for more followers to win. It also increases the traffic on your account as people keep on checking for contest updates. 2. Photo Contest : Arranging a selfie or photo contest is another good option for boosting engagements on your profile. You can ask people to post their selfie or pictures of their kids or family event relevant to the theme of the contest. You can also promote the sale of your brand by asking people to include your product or brand logo in their photos. Put up the winner photo on your Instagram story to attract more people in the upcoming contests. Selfie contest also let you know your followers by face and increase traffic on your account with a large number of posts. This contest is a great way to judge your popularity and present the world your brand power. 3. Hashtag Contest : Hashtags are one popular source of promoting business on Instagram. Arrange a hashtag contest and ask your followers to repost your Instagram post with your brand hashtag. This contest will help you to promote your brand name among the followers of your followers. You will be able to communicate your message to a larger number of audience and will be successful in grabbing their attention. 4. Voting Contest : If you want to take your audience partition to the next level, then you must arrange a voting contest. Ask your followers to vote the contest pictures by liking them and select the winner with maximum likes. This contest will give you multiple benefits. First of all your followers will be assured of no favoritism from your side to the winner. People will ask their social circle to like their photos which in turn increase traffic on your account. It will increase the bonding of followers with your brand as you empower them to select the winner. The voting contest is the most effective contest among the contests mentioned above. Read Also : How To Get More Likes On Instagram 5 Marketing Tips To Help Grow Your Business On Instagram

Facebook orca error

How to remove pname com Facebook orca

If you have ever noticed the Facebook pop-up message on your Android device screen showing that pname com Facebook orca has stopped, then it is probable that you are on Google searching for a solution to this problem that is annoying. Do you wish to solve the pname com Facebook orca error today? This article, therefore, will fit in the picture-perfect solution for what your needs. In this write-up, you will get an explanation of all the info relating to the pname com Facebook orca error and katana. The meaning of pname com Facebook orca : Typically, pname com Facebook orca is the name of a package of Facebook messenger application on the smartphone. In simple terms, the orca folder belongs to the Facebook messenger application. In general, the orca folder acts as the storage for all images, files, videos, plugins, audios, videos, and cache from this app on the device. What is the connotation of pname com Facebook orca? Source It is possible that you have an alternative folder termed the com Facebook katana. Essentially, this folder belongs to the Facebook application. And just like the orca folder, the katana folder gets generated automatically after installing the Facebook application on the device. Katana is just like any other folder and does not have to be a source for your worries. Is pname com Facebook orca a malware? It is not malware at all. This Facebook orca folder is not a malware or virus. It is a folder that is just like other typical folders. It gets generated automatically after you install the Facebook messenger app on the device. Therefore, there is no need of getting worried or suspicious about anything. What if my pname com Facebook orca stopped? Majority of users of Facebook are faced with this problem. It is really irritating for the users when they have to deal with the pop-up message showing that Facebook has unfortunately stopped. Many people always ignore this message when it comes to the screen but it is good to note that it is never the right choice or solution. Since it will aggravate you over and over again by the message popping up, it is advisable to prepare to solve it eternally. Would you delete this folder? No, it is not necessary to delete the pname com Facebook orca folder. Because, even though you may delete this folder, it will just regenerate automatically and the errors will start popping up once again. Therefore, it is wise to leave this folder in the memory of your device and handle the problem. What is the importance or use of the pname com Facebook orca? This folder is extremely helpful when you have the desire of retrieving messages of Facebook that had been deleted or conversation from the Facebook messenger application that was erroneously deleted. You can only achieve this when you do it from the Facebook orca folder. Therefore, the pname com Facebook orca may be irritating but it is very helpful when you desire to retrieve the deleted Facebook Messenger tête-à-tête. One of the major utilities of the folder is that it restores your files of conversation in the same folder. And for that reason, the orca folder consumes so much space on the device when compared to other folders. The final solution to fixing the pname com Facebook orca folder problem : The first step is going to the option of settings found on the mobile device. You then go to the option of application then snap on the option of all apps. You will then have to locate the Facebook application and ensure that you clear data. After completing this, feel free to restart the Facebook application. When you follow this procedure, it will be possible to solve this issue since, in this practice; you are deleting the app data of the messenger. You just have to reset the application and you will not face this error any longer. What if you are being faced with a similar error after following this process? Yes, if you desire to fix this issue, you can try following another procedure and see if it will really function. Therefore, all you need to do is just uninstalling the Facebook application found on the device and then restart the device. After restarting the device, you will have to download the Facebook application again and then install it from the Google play store. For sure, it is now clear. The pname com Facebook orca error will be something of the past. In case you do not know the process of retrieving deleted conversations and messages by use of the orca folder, you will get the procedure to follow when it comes to retrieving deleted messages from the Facebook Messenger application. Methods of retrieving deleted messages from the pname com Facebook orca folder : Source The Facebook Messenger has so many ruses that very few individuals know about and this is yet another opportunity of seeing you mistakenly deleted messages from the platform of chat. What do you have to do? There are so many ways of recovering deleted texts from the Facebook messenger application. However, you will learn how to use the orca folder to recover your deleted messages. You need to follow these steps. The first step is going to the file explorer on the device. The explorer will assist you to explore folders on the device. If the device does not have the explorer, then you will have to go to the file manager or just type file explorer. Install it after downloading. After the installation, open the file explorer. Go the SD card at first. You will get an android file which has contents of all data relating to applications. Open the data folder and below it, you will get folders relating to all submissions. You will get the orca folder here and it belongs to the messenger. Click on it to open. You can now go to the name com Facebook orca folder. Inside the cache folder, you will see the FB temp folder. All backup copies of the messenger are here, and you can retrieve all the info you desire for both group and individual conversations you had through the application. You need to note that you can also retrieve that data minus using the file explorer application. For this, you just need to connect the phone to the computer by use of the cable and then find the pname com Facebook orca folder and then go to the folder to retrieve the info. The procedures above will give you the required understanding of clearing the pop-up error and you will enjoy using Facebook again. Conclusion : With all this information, you have all that is required to clear the pname com Facebook orca error. In case the problem persists, you can seek technical guidance from a reputable technician. Read Also : 10 Of The Best Facebook Pages To Follow Now The Definitive Guide To Market Your Business On Facebook Digital Marketing: Utilize Facebook To Support Your Hospitality Business

Facebook Pages

10 of the Best Facebook Pages to Follow Now

In the first quarter of 2018, Facebook reported 2.19 billion users. For reference, that means that almost 1/3 of the world's population is one this immensely popular social networking site! If you're one of those billions of people who spend hours scrolling through their Facebook feed in search of the best new content, you'll find that eventually, you'll find yourself in a bit of a rut. It can be tough to find new content after a while. But the great thing about Facebook is that there are tons of great Facebook pages waiting to be discovered. Here are 10 of the best Facebook pages to follow, whether you're looking for fun, food, or even marketing tips. 1. Delish : If you're like us, you probably find yourself watching Food Network a lot, even if you have no interest in cooking half of the things your favorite Iron Chef makes. But if you're feeling adventurous, head on over to Delish, one of Facebook's best cooking pages. Not only will you get tons of great recipes to help you cook for one or 100, but most recipes come in the form of helpful videos, so you can watch the entire process from beginning to end. Personally, we recommend checking out their spiked lemonade and boozy pudding shot recipes if you're of age. 2. : As you may have surmised, is the official Facebook page for the National Honor Society. The page is a fantastic resource for students of all ages, from middle school to grad school. Why check the page out? In addition to great tips on how to maximize your academic potential, you'll have the ability to chat with other society members. This networking can be quite helpful when it comes time to find a job. If sounds like your cup of tea, be sure to click the link for more info. 3. We Rate Dogs : Alright, we have a confession to make. Some of us have social media pages solely to look at photos of adorable images. In fact, we once wrote an entire post about the famous pets of Instagram! We Rate Dogs is a perfect example of why social media and animals go hand in hand. The premise of the page is exactly what it sounds like. People submit photos of their dogs in adorable or silly circumstances (often in costume) and the page admins post and rate the dog accordingly. And for those worried that not all dogs receive a high rating, most receive the coveted 11/10 or 13/10 rating, proving once and for all that they're all the best dogs. 4. Animals In Predicaments : If rating dogs aren't quite your thing, how about checking out some animals in the most peculiar predicaments? Of everything you'll read about today, Animals in Predicaments is perhaps the most bizarre pages to follow on Facebook. It's one part meta-humor and one part adorable animal photo. When combined, the result is both odd and hilarious. Ever wanted to see a cat crash a nativity scene? This Facebook page has you covered. Want to watch a deer run and slide through a hospital? Yup, it's on here. Unfortunately, the page was last updated last December. However, newcomers still have plenty of great content to browse through. 5. NPR : As great as ridiculous animals can be, sometimes you need to stay informed about the current events of the world. For newshounds, NPR's Facebook page is a fantastic resource. They cross-post most content from their website, and they have an increasingly large library of video content to choose from so you can consume news any way you want. And the breadth of content is about as deep as you'd expect from an NPR page. They post tons of great info on world news, local matters, and music and entertainment. 6. Nerdist : Nerdist is kind of like the NPR for all things pop culture. They do a great job of aggregating content from around the web, so if you have a passing interest in anything remotely geeky, you've found your home. 7. Intrepid Travel Most of us have extravagant dreams of traveling the world yet lack the funds to do so. If this sounds familiar, you'll want to be sure to check out Intrepid Travel. Based in Melbourne, Australia, Intrepid Travel is a travel company that's less interested in selling you something and more interested in providing you with unique experiences around the globe, be it from first-hand travel or their own travel blogs. If you're planning on traveling anytime soon, they also have plenty of great tips to help you make the most of your travel experience. 8. UnMarketing : For entrepreneurs and business owners, marketing on Facebook is an absolute must. Facebook -- and social media in general -- offer a fantastic way to get in touch with your audience in a unique and conversational manner. However, learning how to market your business isn't always so easy. UnMarketing aims to help you perfect the art of brand management without coming across as too cold or corporate. Also Read: How To Remove Pname Com Facebook Orca 9. Wendy's If you want a prime example of UnMarketing's principles in practice, you'll want to check out Wendy's social media accounts. They have a habit of getting quite sassy, particularly when interacting with their competitors. In fact, Wendy's even dropped a mixtape entitled, We Beefin? earlier this year, which took direct aim at McDonald's and their seemingly always broken ice cream machines. It's about time someone stood up for those of us who just want a McFlurry. 10. Your City's Facebook Page : Last but not least, you'll want to be sure to follow your city's Facebook page. It can be super helpful to learn more about what's going on in your town, and they often post great information about upcoming events. These Are The Best Facebook Pages To Follow : We hope that our list of the best Facebook pages to follow provided you with something new and interesting. These pages should have a little something for everyone, so be sure to check them out. Be sure to check our social media section for more great marketing tips and fun pages to follow! Read Also : Digital Marketing: Utilize Facebook To Support Your Hospitality Business The Definitive Guide To Market Your Business On Facebook 5 Ways To Improve Mobile SEO

Instagram Fame

Pets of Instagram Fame

If you are a pet lover and a social media fan then you will probably have spent quite a few hours pawing over (sorry) cute pics and videos of our furry friends. Some pets make it big because they are just so cute and others are co-stars to their famous owners. Here are some of the biggest and best celeb pets on Instagram and grabbing the headlines in the media:  Kardashian family pets : Love them or hate them, there is no denying that the Kardashian family make the world a more interesting place. Kim’s Chihuahua (Princess) was one of the stars of the show and one of the big storylines involved Khloe’s dog Rocky getting neutered. Not really an experience most pooches would want to share with the world but there have to be some downsides of living with the Kardashians, right? If you ever wanted to find pet tags that are the height of fashion, just watch the Kardashians and their pets for inspiration! Alternatively, you can visit this site for some cool designs. Obama dogs Bo and Sunny : So famous, Bo and Sunny even have their very own wiki pages! The Portuguese water dogs are adorable and Bo is commonly referred to as the First Dog of the United States. Also allegedly name after Bo Diddley. Miley Cyrus’ Piggy and Milky : Miley is never too far from the headlines although she seems to be keeping a fairly low profile at the moment. The Wrecking Ball singer is no crowd follower so it was no surprise really when she went for the less obvious choice for a pet – a pig! After weeks and months pondering over a name she went for the very unique ‘Piggy’. Rumors that they have a pet frog called Kermit are as yet unconfirmed. Miley also has a very cute white Pitbull that goes by the name of Milky. We can only imagine the lengths she went to name him but she literally has just swapped a letter out of her own name. Lady Gaga’s Koji and Miss Asia : Koji is quite the trendsetter, just like his owner. Often pictured in cute little outfits and a superstar pout, Koji is truly an A-list pet. Asia had several verified social media accounts and travels all around the world with the singer. Living life in the fast lane, they could probably do with a bit of advice on safe travels! Duchess of Sussex’s Guy : You might know her better as Meghan Markle but the Suits actress recently got hitched to a Prince and this seems to have made quite a few headlines. Meghan is now part of the Royal family but her pet Guy has always been a Royal, well a royal beagle anyway. Apparently, Meghan rescued Guy when he was just a few days away from getting put down; this is a real fairytale ending for Guy. The Queen’s corgis were other famous Royal pets but sadly Willow, the last one passed away in April, so we’re not sure whether he got to meet Guy for a pet playdate or not. Marnie the Dog : Marnie doesn’t need famous owners because the gorgeous doggy has over 2 million followers on Instagram. You can even buy cute stuffed versions of Marnie who was rescued at the age of 11. Our favorite Marnie pic has got to be the Santa suit but the Insta star has an outfit for every occasion! Venus – Two Face Cat : We couldn’t leave out the felines, so the cat we choose to share with you is Venus, the unusual cat with a face of two different colors, split right down the center of her face. Read Also : Is Instagram Turning Into A Way Of Life Now? Top 7 Free Instagram Apps To View And Enjoy Your Photos Like A Pro How To Get More Likes On Instagram


Tips from the Pros: Creating the Perfect Tweet

We apologize now if the title brought you here under false pretenses because, just as there is no perfect book or no perfect painting, as with any art form, there’s no perfect tweet. However, while perfection may be unattainable, there’s still pretty darn good. In this article, I’ve picked the brain of James Williams, the digital marketing manager at one of the world’s most instantly recognizable brands, to bring you tweet-worthy insights on everything he has picked up in over ten years in the job. Here are his top tips... 1. Keep it brief : With a 140 character limit, tweets have to be short, but research has shown that using just 100 characters is actually the optimum length for a tweet. In fact, tweets with less than 100 characters get a 17 percent higher engagement rate, showing that short is definitely sweet. However, brevity should not come at the cost of clarity. You must use as many characters as you need to make your message clear and include a hashtag if there’s an obvious trend to attach to. 2. It’s not just the job of your marketing team : Research has shown that customers trust businesses more if the CEO tweets. It’s a fact of life that we all trust people more than faceless entities. If a company’s tweets come from the CEO, or even someone writing on behalf of the CEO, then their idiosyncrasies, sense of humor, language, and tone will all come across. This can really help to make the content stand out. 3. Respond to queries quickly : If you open up your Twitter for customer care then you need to make sure you respond to queries quickly or you risk doing more harm than good. Responding quickly in a way that really helps the customer can boost the way you are perceived and help to build trust online. If you can’t commit the resources to review and reply to tweets quickly, you’re better off not using Twitter for customer services at all. 4. Don’t tweet ‘cold’ : When using Twitter for outreach purposes, never tweet potential publishers and bloggers without building a relationship first. Simple things like following their accounts, re-tweeting, and sharing their content all increase the likelihood of a positive response when you do choose to contact them. It might take a bit of time but it’s far better than just barging in. 5. Keep it light on self-promotion : Nobody wants to follow a Twitter account that’s all about you. It’s like the boastful kid in the playground. There’s an often-quoted rule on Twitter that 80 percent of your tweets should be ‘other’ content and just 20 percent should be about you. The other content you post is extremely important and should inform, educate and entertain your audience. If it doesn’t, don’t post it. What are your best Twitter tips? Please share your thoughts with our readers in the comments section below. Read Also : 8 Expert Ways To Build Your Personal Brand On Twitter! Using Social Media To Promote Start-Up Businesses How is Social Media Playing A Role In Career Building?

5 Steps on How to Market Your Business Using Social Media

5 Steps on How to Market Your Business Using Social Media

Social media has today become a popular way of enabling customers to research and discover brands of different products offered by different business entities. The platform has also helped marketers of various products reach their potential customers with just a click. Currently, a very high percentage of marketers prefer marketing their products and services using social media due to its high coverage, unlike other forms. Some of these social sites include Instagram, Twitter, Facebook among others. However, for you to successfully gain traction in this you need to follow the essential steps below. 1. Start By Reviewing Your Business Objectives : Although many people tend to skip this step, it is very important, to begin with, it in order to find a niche market on social media. However, an evaluation of your business objectives will help you to successfully develop an appropriate social media marketing plan for your business. For instance, if one of your business objectives aims at growing your market share in a certain region, develop a social media marketing plan that fully supports such an objective. Above all, remember to stick to your objectives when posting or engaging your fans and followers on your social media page. 2. Plan On Where To Spend Your Time : You need to have a clear digital strategy for you to successfully drive sales on social media. Since each social network has a different audience population, you should strategize on which platform to use on the basis of your target customers. The following is an example of population differences: Approximately 70 percent of people use Facebook, making it the topmost social network. Approximately 60 percent of Facebook users comprise of a female. Most of the Instagram users are aged between 18 years and 35 years From the above highlights, you need to choose a social network that will best work on your products and services in relation to the target audience. 3. Create High-Quality Contents : Coming up with high-quality contents can really engage your audiences. The contents can be shared across a number of platforms and harvest more interest in that particular brand. This means that the contents should be actionable, informative, shareable, and relevant to your target group of audience. 4. Always Be Active And Responsive : Potential customers, fans, and followers will always congregate to the business’ social site and post their comments. In the process, they will expect the business to be social to them. A timely response will always create a positive relationship between the company and the customers. However, some companies tend to create automated responses on their sites to the customer. As a result, the automation gets the company’s brands in trouble due to inappropriate responses. This can inadvertently promote negative attention making the business look uncaring the customers. For this reason, all automated responses should be avoided to give consumers a positive perception during the interaction. 5. Stay Updated Always : Always ensure that your social network marketing plan consistently reflects the times. This means that you should always stay ahead by developing a list of resources you are planning to use. In summary, although social media is widely used to market brands today, the marketing will be a success if the above steps are keenly followed. Reviewing the business objectives, creating high-quality contents will always attract a good number of customers. However, you should always be responsive and updated in order for you to maintain your potential customers. Read Also : 5 Marketing Tips To Help Grow Your Business On Instagram Discovering A New Promotion Position For Your expanding Search Engine Marketing  Why Every Business Needs Digital Marketing